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National & International Cooperation for

Social Inclusion .

Gender Equality  . 

Emotional Intelligence  . 

Sustainability . 

The Asociación para el desarrollo Socio-Emocional de la persona, la sociedad y para la cooperación internacional UNO is a non-profit organization founded in 2021 in Valencia, Spain. Uno focuses on the concept of Life Long Learning, believing that everyone should be able, and should aim, to continuously study and improve themselves. In doing this, also to improve the society we live in.

We offer training courses that can be fully funded by Erasmus+ KA1

Join us to learn more!

Augmentative Alternative Communication approach to increase socio-educational operators’ competencies for fostering the inclusion of people with disabilities​AAC 4 INCLUSION

ERASMUS+ KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training

Project Ref: 2023-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000151537

from 01 . 10 . 2023 to 31 . 05 . 2026 INFO

Coordinator Cepiss Società cooperativa sociale onlus (IT)

Partners Uno (ES) | Asociatia Moral Compass (RO) | Asociația Psiterra (RO) | Centro MachiavellI (IT) | Confederacion IMPULSA IGUALDAD (ES) | GÖLCÜK İLÇE MİLLÎ EĞİTİM MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ ( TR)

The Project will pursue 3 objectives:
1. Increasing the competencies of trainers/educators and teachers on the pedagogical methodology of the AAC also through digital practices:
2. Strengthening the level of communication and interaction of disabled people with their group of belonging and in society:
3. Applying the AAC approach in inclusive education and training systems.

DIGItal art education and cultural exchanges among European countries digiTEACH

ERASMUS+ KA220-SCH – Cooperation partnerships in school education

Project Ref: 2023-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000154014

from 01 . 10 . 2023 to 30 . 09 . 2026 INFO

Coordinator RENASUP (FR)


The Project will pursue the following objectives:
1. Supporting European art teachers with new digital tools for an innovative and more involving teaching methodology.
2. Easing the development of students of ICT skills related to art and culture.
3. Reinforcing in students and teachers a sense of European identity thanks to digital exchanges that will take place at a European level.
4. Granting easier knowledge sharing regarding European art.
5. Favouring art, culture and knowledge sharing among European schools.

sPort AS tool of incluSIon Of ex-offeNders PASSION


Project Ref: 101133800

from 01 . 10 . 2023 to 31 . 03 . 2025 INFO

Coordinator BASE (IT)


The Project aims to involve operators and trainers dealing with the re-introduction in the society of ex-offenders into exploring the effect that ETS could have in helping reduce recidivism, using the potential of sport to help the target group of ex-offenders overcome the barriers of their social vulnerability and to give them the instruments to re-enter society and build new and meaningful relations.

Through PASSION, partners aim to contribute to Erasmus+’s horizontal priority of Inclusion and Diversity, addressing it under the Sport sector priority of promoting education in and through sport. Working together to achieve PASSION aim represents a unique opportunity for partners to increase the quality of their activities, enhance the skills of their staff, and create strong cooperation.

Green Changemakers | CHMKS

ERASMUS + KA220-YOU Cooperation Partnerships in youth

Project Ref: 2023-2-ES02-KA220-YOU-000177571

from 01 . 01 . 2024 to 31 . 12 . 2025 INFO

Coordinator Uno (ES)

Partners BASE (IT) | Ecoworld Rhodopes(BG) | Open Impact (IT) | IRIS (SW) 

Green Changemakers efforts aim at prоviding yоuth wоrkers and yоung peоple with specific skills, cоmpetencies and knowledge оn climate change, environmental sustainability and the EU Green Deal, as well as nоn-fоrmal educatiоn, mentоring and cо-design, with the final gоal оf enabling them tо becоme active changemakers in their lоcal cоmmunitie and multiply and sustain Green Changemakers effоrts tоwards envirоnmental sustainability and prоtectiоn.CHMKS aims to strengthen young people’s initiative for social purposes by making them agents of change in their communities.

from 0110 . 2023

to 31 . 05 . 2026


Coordinator Cepiss Società cooperativa sociale onlus (IT)

Partners Uno (ES) | Asociatia Moral Compass (RO) | Asociația Psiterra (RO) | Centro MachiavellI (IT) | Confederacion IMPULSA IGUALDAD (ES) | GÖLCÜK İLÇE MİLLÎ EĞİTİM MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ ( TR)

The Project will pursue 3 objectives:
1. Increasing the competencies of trainers/educators and teachers on the pedagogical methodology of the AAC also through digital practices:
2. Strengthening the level of communication and interaction of disabled people with their group of belonging and in society:
3. Applying the AAC approach in inclusive education and training systems.

from 0110 . 2023

to 30 . 09 . 2026


Coordinator RENASUP (FR)


The Project will pursue the following objectives:
1. Supporting European art teachers with new digital tools for an innovative and more involving teaching methodology.
2. Easing the development of students of ICT skills related to art and culture.
3. Reinforcing in students and teachers a sense of European identity thanks to digital exchanges that will take place at a European level.
4. Granting easier knowledge sharing regarding European art.
5. Favouring art, culture and knowledge sharing among European schools.

from 0103 . 2022

to 31 . 10 . 2023


Coordinator BASE (IT)


The Project aims to involve operators and trainers dealing with the re-introduction in the society of ex-offenders into exploring the effect that ETS could have in helping reduce recidivism, using the potential of sport to help the target group of ex-offenders overcome the barriers of their social vulnerability and to give them the instruments to re-enter society and build new and meaningful relations.

Through PASSION, partners aim to contribute to Erasmus+’s horizontal priority of Inclusion and Diversity, addressing it under the Sport sector priority of promoting education in and through sport. Working together to achieve PASSION aim represents a unique opportunity for partners to increase the quality of their activities, enhance the skills of their staff, and create a strong cooperation.

from 01 . 01 . 2024

to 31 . 12 . 2025


Coordinator Uno (ES)

Partners BASE (IT) | Ecoworld Rhodopes(BG) | Open Impact (IT) | IRIS (SW) 

Green Changemakers efforts aim at prоviding yоuth wоrkers and yоung peоple with specific skills, cоmpetencies and knowledge оn climate change, environmental sustainability and the EU Green Deal, as well as nоn-fоrmal educatiоn, mentоring and cо-design, with the final gоal оf enabling them tо becоme active changemakers in their lоcal cоmmunitie and multiply and sustain Green Changemakers effоrts tоwards envirоnmental sustainability and prоtectiоn.CHMKS aims to strengthen young people’s initiative for social purposes by making them agents of change in their communities.

Which are our fields of action


Social exclusion is defined as the inability, incapacity, or discrimination of an individual to participate in certain social and personal activities. In this context, the discourse on gender equality goes hand in hand. In fact, gender inequality is one of the most deep-rooted forms of inequality in our strongly patriarchal society, and there can be no talk of an inclusive and just society as long as gender is a discriminatory element.


The concept of Emotional Intelligence was taken up by Daniel Goleman who, in 1995, popularized it with the following definition: “It is the ability to recognize our feelings and those of others, to motivate ourselves, and to manage our emotions positively, both internally and in social relationships”. Developing a high level of emotional intelligence allows for greater social integration, empathy, and the ability to understand others, the situations we find ourselves in, and a greater understanding of ourselves as individuals in this world. 


In 1987, the United Nation Commission  defined sustainability as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”